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Revolutionising Electronics E-commerce in India: The ONDC Initiative


Section 1: Introduction

In recent years, India has witnessed a seismic shift in the way consumers shop for electronics and gadgets. This dynamic sector, known for its rapid growth and relentless innovation, has discovered a new frontier in the digital realm. As the nation warmly embraces the era of e-commerce, the Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) emerges as a transformative force, poised to reshape the electronics and gadgets retail industry in India fundamentally. In this comprehensive blog, we embark on an exploration of the profound impact that ONDC is having on this sector, revolutionising not only how consumers procure tech products but also how businesses operate and thrive in this ever-evolving landscape.

The Ascent of Electronics and Gadgets Retail in India

Before we dive into the ONDC india revolution, it’s crucial to comprehend why the electronics and gadgets retail sector has risen to become such a formidable force in India’s commercial landscape.

India’s remarkable digital transformation has propelled the growth of the electronics and gadgets retail industry into the stratosphere. With a population of over 1.3 billion people and a burgeoning number of internet users, India has solidified its position as one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing markets for electronic devices. Several key factors have propelled this extraordinary growth:

1. Rising Middle-Class Population: The swelling ranks of the middle-class population, endowed with increased purchasing power, have spurred a voracious appetite for electronic gadgets and devices.

2. Increased Internet Penetration: The widespread availability of high-speed internet connectivity, complemented by the affordability of smartphones, has democratized online shopping for electronics and gadgets, making it accessible to millions of Indians.

3. Digital Connectivity: The sweeping digital revolution has bridged the urban-rural divide, connecting even remote areas and creating a vast market for electronic devices.

4. Government Initiatives: Government-led initiatives like “Digital India” and “Make in India” have diligently promoted the electronics manufacturing sector, rendering tech products more affordable and readily available to the masses.

5. Evolving Consumer Preferences: Consumers are now increasingly gravitating towards the convenience, variety, and accessibility offered by online platforms, contributing to the exponential growth of this sector.

However, with rapid growth invariably come challenges, including monopolistic practices, a lack of transparency, and the complex landscape faced by sellers. Enter ONDC, a transformative catalyst poised to address these issues head-on.

Section 2: The Need for Disruption

The dominance of major players in the e-commerce sector like Amazon, Flipkart and many others has led to a number of issues and challenges for both consumers and sellers.

For consumers:

  • Higher prices: Major e-commerce players charge high commissions to sellers, which ultimately translates into higher prices for consumers.
  • Limited options: Major e-commerce players often focus on selling a limited range of products from a select number of brands. This means that consumers have fewer choices to choose from.
  • Poor customer service: Major e-commerce players often have large customer bases, which can make it difficult for them to provide timely and efficient customer service.

For sellers:

  • High commissions: Major e-commerce players charge high commissions to sellers, which can eat into their profits.
  • Difficult to compete: It is difficult for small businesses and local retailers to compete with major e-commerce players, which have large marketing budgets and a large customer base.
  • Lack of control: Major e-commerce platforms dictate the terms and conditions under which sellers can operate. This can give sellers little control over their own business.

The dominance of major players in the e-commerce sector has also led to a number of negative consequences for the overall economy. For example, it has led to a decrease in competition and innovation in the sector. It has also made it difficult for small businesses to grow and succeed.

Section 3: What is ONDC? A Digital Commerce Revolution

The Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) is a technology infrastructure supported by the Government of India. It operates on a network-centric model, transcending the limitations of specific platforms or applications. ONDC’s primary goal is to create a more inclusive and interconnected digital commerce ecosystem in India, where buyers and users can transact seamlessly across various platforms.

ONDC’s potential to revolutionise the electronics and gadgets retail industry in India is profound. Let’s explore how ONDC is reshaping the sector: 

Also read: How ONDC is enabling helping the Food Sector (Link Related Unizap Blog)

Levelling the Playing Field

Perhaps one of ONDC’s most monumental impacts is its unwavering commitment to creating a level playing field for all sellers, irrespective of their size or scale. In the traditional e-commerce landscape, mammoth players often lord over the terrain, relegating smaller businesses to the sidelines. ONDC obliterates this imbalance, creating a fertile ground where even the most modest electronics and gadgets sellers can flourish alongside industry giants.

The non-discriminatory environment nurtured by ONDC empowers businesses of all dimensions. This inclusivity guarantees that consumers are granted access to a kaleidoscope of products, from cutting-edge tech gadgets to niche electronic components, thereby enriching their shopping experience.

Seamless Interoperability

ONDC’s network-centric approach serves as a conduit for seamless interoperability between diverse platforms and applications. In practical terms, this signifies that consumers are no longer tethered to a single platform for their electronics and gadgets shopping endeavours. Be it a smartphone, tablet, or computer, users are granted unhindered access to ONDC’s expansive network, offering them an eclectic array of products.

For electronics and gadgets sellers, this interoperability translates into an expanded reach and heightened visibility. The days of exclusive reliance on a single e-commerce platform to showcase their wares are a thing of the past. ONDC’s network ushers in an era where sellers can cast a wider net, augmenting their chances of securing sales and fostering the organic growth of their enterprises.

Enhanced Customer Experience

In the electronics and gadgets retail industry, customer experience reigns supreme. Consumers demand a seamless shopping odyssey, extending from initial product discovery to the finalisation of purchases, and even post-sale support. ONDC stands ready to address these expectations by offering valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences.

Enter the eVikaas ONDC Seller App, a pivotal component to enter the ONDC ecosystem. This sophisticated tool empowers sellers by providing deep insights into the intricate tapestry of consumer preferences and behavioural patterns. Armed with this treasure trove of data, sellers can meticulously tailor their product offerings, curate targeted marketing campaigns, and refine their product catalogue to harmonise with the ever-evolving demands of their discerning customer base.

Hyperlocal and Last-Mile Deliveries

Efficient and dependable delivery logistics are paramount in the electronics and gadgets retail sector. Consumers are not merely seeking products; they crave rapid, reliable, and hassle-free delivery options for their tech treasures. ONDC duly acknowledges this imperative and equips sellers with the capability to facilitate hyperlocal and last-mile deliveries.

For electronics sellers, this feature constitutes nothing short of a game-changer. It empowers them to penetrate local markets with surgical precision, offering consumers the prospect of swift and effortless deliveries. Whether it’s the delivery of a cutting-edge smartphone, a gaming console, or an assortment of computer accessories, customers can now anticipate nothing short of a frictionless experience, thereby elevating the overall quality of their shopping voyage.

Control Over Pricing and Promotions

Competitive pricing and tantalising promotions are the lifeblood of the electronics and gadgets retail industry. ONDC’s eVikaas ONDC Seller App bequeaths sellers with enhanced control over their pricing strategies and promotional initiatives. Leveraging a state-of-the-art AI-driven catalogue engine, sellers are well-equipped to optimise pricing structures, orchestrate well-timed discounts, and orchestrate captivating promotions aimed at augmenting their competitive prowess.

This newfound control endows sellers with the agility to respond to the capricious ebbs and flows of the market. Whether it entails orchestrating a breathtaking flash sale for the latest tech marvels or extending irresistible discounts on a constellation of electronic accessories, sellers can navigate market dynamics with unparalleled finesse, enticing a broader spectrum of customers in the process.

Building Portable Reputations

In this digital epoch, reputation reigns supreme. Discerning consumers lean heavily on reviews and ratings as compasses guiding their purchasing choices. ONDC, in its wisdom, comprehends the pivotal importance of reputation-building and extends a platform where sellers can meticulously cultivate their credibility.

Through a perpetual stream of customer feedback and ratings on the ONDC platform, sellers have the unique opportunity to construct portable reputations. Positive reviews serve as the bedrock of a seller’s trustworthiness, attracting a steady stream of new customers. This visionary feature encourages sellers to prioritise customer satisfaction and elevate product quality, thereby ushering in an era of mutual benefit for both businesses and consumers alike.

Section 4: Benefits for Consumers

ONDC offers a number of benefits to consumers, including lower prices, a wider variety of products, and improved customer service.

  1. Lower prices: ONDC leads to lower prices for consumers through reduced commissions. Traditional e-commerce platforms charge sellers a commission on each sale. This commission is typically passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices. ONDC uses a decentralised model, which eliminates the need for a central gatekeeper and allows sellers to list their products on multiple ONDC-enabled platforms. This competition among ONDC-enabled platforms is expected to drive down commissions for sellers and translate into lower prices for consumers.
  2. Expanded variety of products: ONDC-enabled platforms give consumers access to a wider variety of products, including those from small businesses and local retailers. Traditional e-commerce platforms often focus on selling a limited range of products from a select number of brands. ONDC, on the other hand, is open to all businesses, regardless of their size or market share. This means that consumers can find a wider range of products on ONDC-enabled platforms, including unique and niche products.
  3. Improved customer service and competition: ONDC-enabled platforms are required to adhere to certain customer service standards. This means that consumers can expect a better customer experience when shopping on these platforms. For example, ONDC-enabled platforms are required to resolve customer complaints within a certain timeframe and offer refunds and replacements in accordance with Indian consumer protection laws.
  4. Competition among ONDC-enabled platforms also benefits consumers. Competition drives down prices and improves the quality of products and services. ONDC-enabled platforms are constantly innovating and improving their offerings in order to attract and retain customers.

Section 5: Benefits for Sellers

ONDC offers a number of benefits to sellers, including lower commissions, a wider reach, and a level playing field.

  1. Lower commissions: ONDC reduces the financial burden on sellers by imposing lower commissions. Traditional e-commerce platforms charge sellers a commission on each sale. This commission can range from 10% to 30%, depending on the product category. ONDC, on the other hand, does not charge any commission to sellers for listing their products on the network. ONDC-enabled platforms are free to charge their own commission fees, but these fees are typically lower than the commissions charged by traditional e-commerce platforms.
  1. Wider reach: ONDC simplifies the process of reaching a diverse consumer base, regardless of a seller’s size. Traditional e-commerce platforms require sellers to create a separate account and list their products on each platform. This can be a time-consuming and expensive process for small businesses. ONDC, on the other hand, allows sellers to list their products on multiple ONDC-enabled platforms with a single integration. This makes it easier for sellers to reach a wider audience and grow their business.
  1. Level playing field: ONDC creates a level playing field for small and large retailers. Traditional e-commerce platforms often favours large retailers by giving them preferential treatment in search results and promotions. ONDC, on the other hand, is designed to be fair and equitable for all sellers. ONDC-enabled platforms are required to treat all sellers equally, regardless of their size or market share.

Section 6: Case Studies and Success Stories

Despite being in its early stages of development, ONDC is already having a positive impact on small businesses and local retailers in the electronics sector. Here are a few real-world examples and success stories:

  1. Digital World: Digital World, a small electronics retailer in Delhi that has been recently onboarded to ONDC through GoFrugal a leading ERP solutions have seen a significant increase in sales since listing its products on ONDC-enabled platforms. The retailer is now able to reach a wider audience and sell its products at competitive prices.
  1. Yuvraj’s Store: A leading electronics retailer from Bombay named Yuvraj’s store has been onboarded to ONDC through eVikaas by Unizap.ai has seen a 10X increase in revenue since its onboarding into ONDC in May 2023. 
  1. Just Electronics: A local electronics retailer in Delhi, Just Electronics has been able to expand its reach to new markets by listing its products on ONDC-enabled platforms. The retailer is now able to sell its products to consumers outside of its immediate neighbourhood and has seen a notable increase in sales.
  1. RentSher: A startup in Bangalore is developing an ONDC-enabled platform that allows consumers to rent out products from sellers. This platform is helping small businesses and local retailers in the electronics sector to generate additional revenue from their inventory.

These success stories illustrate how ONDC is helping electronics and gadgets sellers reach a wider audience, generate more revenue, and reduce their costs. As ONDC continues to grow and develop, we can expect to see even more success stories in the future.

Section 7: Senrysa Technologies: Powering eVikaas ONDC Seller App

At the heart of ONDC’s transformative journey lies seller and buyer apps, And among them one of the well known brand is the eVikaas ONDC Seller App, a strategic pillar in the entire ecosystem.The eVikaas ONDC Seller App is powered by Unizap.ai a subsidiary of the renowned fintech giant, Senrysa Technologies, and boasts over a decade of experience and numerous accolades in India’s digital payment landscape.

With a customer base exceeding 3 crores, Senrysa Technologies has been a leader in digital payment solutions, including Aadhar-enabled payments, UPI, IMPS, and eKYC. This vast experience and expertise position Senrysa Technologies as a pivotal player in enabling the ONDC vision.

By collaborating with Senrysa Technologies, ONDC ensures that electronics and gadgets sellers have a user-friendly gateway to join the network. This collaboration reflects Senrysa Technologies’ commitment to driving ONDC’s mission of democratising digital commerce in India.

The eVikaas ONDC Seller App is a key component of the ONDC ecosystem, offering a range of features and tools to help electronics and gadgets sellers manage their online businesses effectively.

The eVikaas ONDC Seller App is a pivotal component within the ONDC ecosystem, designed to empower electronics and gadgets sellers to get onboarded in to the ONDC network armed with a suite of features and tools aimed at efficiently managing their online businesses.

Key Features of the eVikaas ONDC Seller App:

  • Feature-rich Admin Dashboard: The eVikaas ONDC Seller App boasts a comprehensive and user-friendly admin dashboard. This dashboard serves as the seller’s command center, offering a wide array of functionalities. Sellers can seamlessly manage their product listings, oversee incoming orders, monitor inventory levels, and handle customer interactions with remarkable ease. This centralised control hub is designed to enhance the overall operational efficiency of sellers, enabling them to stay on top of their e-commerce game.
  • Integrated Payment and Logistics Solutions: The app incorporates integrated payment and logistics solutions, streamlining the end-to-end order fulfilment process. Sellers gain access to a variety of payment options, catering to the diverse preferences of online shoppers. Additionally, the app facilitates efficient coordination of shipping and delivery, ensuring that products reach customers in a timely and hassle-free manner. These integrated solutions eliminate the complexities associated with managing multiple payment gateways and logistics partners.
  • Access to Valuable Customer Data: One of the standout features of the eVikaas ONDC Seller App is its provision of valuable customer data. Sellers can tap into a treasure trove of information regarding customer behaviour, preferences, and purchasing patterns. Armed with this data, sellers can develop data-driven marketing strategies, tailor product offerings to match customer preferences, and ultimately deliver a more personalised shopping experience. This invaluable insight into the customer base can significantly boost a seller’s competitive edge in the online marketplace.
  • Hyperlocal & Last Mile Deliveries: The app offers the strategic advantage of hyperlocal and last-mile deliveries. This feature empowers sellers to target local markets effectively, attracting new customers within their immediate geographic vicinity. For electronics and gadgets sellers, this can be especially beneficial, as it allows them to tap into localised demand and accelerate business growth in specific regions.
  • Control Over Pricing, Catalogue, and Promotions: With the eVikaas ONDC Seller App, sellers gain unprecedented control over critical aspects of their online storefront. The app leverages AI-driven catalogue engines that aid in optimising product listings. Sellers can exercise precise control over pricing strategies, plan and execute discounts, and create targeted promotional campaigns. These capabilities enable sellers to fine-tune their pricing and promotional tactics, optimising profit margins and enhancing their competitiveness in the digital marketplace.
  • Non-discriminatory Environment: A core principle of ONDC, including the eVikaas ONDC Seller App, is the provision of a non-discriminatory environment for sellers. By levelling the playing field, it eradicates the predatory practices that are often associated with monopolistic online marketplaces. Sellers are bestowed with greater autonomy and control over their businesses, ensuring that they are not subject to unfair treatment or exploitation.
  • Portable Reputation: The eVikaas ONDC Seller App introduces a mechanism for sellers to cultivate a portable reputation. This is accomplished through continuous customer feedback and ratings shared on the ONDC platform. Positive feedback and high ratings serve as endorsements of a seller’s credibility and reliability. As sellers accumulate positive reviews, their reputation grows, instilling trust among potential customers and attracting a larger clientele. This portable reputation becomes an invaluable asset, contributing to sustained business growth and success.

Incorporating these key features, the eVikaas ONDC Seller App within the ONDC ecosystem empowers electronics and gadgets sellers with a comprehensive toolkit for navigating the competitive world of e-commerce. It not only enhances operational efficiency but also fosters a fair and inclusive marketplace where sellers can thrive and build enduring reputations. The app aligns with ONDC’s broader mission to democratise e-commerce and reshape the digital commerce landscape in India.

Section 8: Leveraging ONDC for Electronics and Gadgets Businesses

Electronics and gadgets businesses can leverage ONDC in several ways to accelerate their growth and success in the e-commerce sector.

1. Expanding Market Reach: The electronics industry in India is experiencing remarkable growth, with consumers increasingly turning to online platforms for their tech needs. By joining ONDC, electronics and gadgets sellers can access a broader market. ONDC-connected platforms, such as the eVikaas ONDC Seller App, enable rapid expansion to new cities and regions. Features like integrated shipping, multiple payment options, easy inventory management, and efficient order processing make it easier for sellers to operate and scale their businesses.

2. Enhancing Brand Visibility: In the digital age, brand visibility is crucial for success. Online consumers recognize brands faster through digital channels than traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Registering on the ONDC network offers electronics and gadgets sellers a platform to quickly establish their online presence and become visible to a vast customer base. The feature-rich eVikaas ONDC Seller App equips sellers with tools to promote their brand across multiple online channels, helping them create a strong digital presence.

3. Leveraging Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce): Mobile commerce (m-commerce) is on the rise, with a significant percentage of consumers preferring mobile apps or websites for their purchases. ONDC-connected platforms, like the eVikaas ONDC Seller App, are designed with a mobile-first approach, allowing sellers to capitalise on the growing trend of m-commerce. The mobile app interface enables sellers to efficiently manage their businesses on the go, ensuring they stay connected with their customers.

4. Implementing Personalization: Hyper-personalization is a key driver of customer loyalty and repeat purchases. When electronics and gadgets sellers go online, they gain access to valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences. The ONDC network-connected eVikaas ONDC Seller App empowers sellers to experiment with personalised marketing strategies and product recommendations based on rich customer data. By tailoring their online shopping experience, sellers can build stronger brand loyalty and retain customers.

5. Freedom from Monopolistic Marketplaces: Many sellers have historically been heavily reliant on giant e-commerce marketplaces, often paying significant commissions that eat into their profits. ONDC disrupts this model, offering sellers the freedom to operate on their own terms. While there are still commissions involved, they are typically a fraction of what sellers paid to monopolistic marketplaces. Sellers can establish their return policies, set delivery times, and manage their products and orders seamlessly through the built-in Order Management System (OMS) provided by the eVikaas ONDC Seller App.

Section 9: A Step-by-Step Guide to Start Selling on ONDC Network

Getting started with ONDC is a straightforward process, even for those new to online selling. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide for electronics and gadgets businesses:

Step 1: Create an Account on the eVikaas ONDC Seller App

Begin by creating an account on the eVikaas store Seller App. During the registration process, provide essential details, including your Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) and bank information and pay a nominal fee for the verification for the same. This step establishes your presence on the ONDC network.

Step 2: Upload Your Products

Once your account is created, proceed to upload your electronics and gadgets products. Ensure that you provide high-quality images and videos and detailed product descriptions to attract potential customers. This step is crucial for making your products discoverable to a wide audience.

Step 3: Start Receiving Online Orders

With your products listed on ONDC-enabled platforms, you can start receiving online orders from customers across India. Efficiently manage these orders through the features provided by the eVikaas ONDC Seller App.

Step 4: Logistics Planning

To ensure hassle-free deliveries, align your logistics operations. Coordination with reliable shipping partners and efficient order fulfillment processes play a pivotal role in meeting customer expectations and building trust.

Step 5: Choose Payment Options

Select your preferred bank account for receiving payments from customers. The eVikaas ONDC Seller App offers flexibility in payment options, allowing you to cater to the diverse preferences of your customers.

Step 6: Monitor and Optimize

Continuously monitor your online store’s performance through the eVikaas ONDC Seller App’s admin dashboard. Analyze customer data, track sales trends, and gather feedback to optimize your strategies and offerings.

Section 10: The Future of ONDC

As the ONDC network continues to grow and evolve, it holds the promise of reshaping the Indian e-commerce landscape in profound ways. Here are some key insights into the future of ONDC:

1. Enabling Innovation: ONDC’s open and decentralized model encourages innovation in e-commerce. Small businesses and startups can leverage the platform to introduce new and unique products and services, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and creativity.

2. Empowering Local Retailers: Local retailers, often marginalized in the era of major e-commerce players, have the opportunity to thrive on ONDC. By connecting with customers across India, local retailers can scale their operations and compete effectively.

3. Regulatory Framework: The government will play a critical role in shaping ONDC’s future through regulatory policies. Ensuring fair practices, data security, and consumer protection will be essential as the network expands.

4. Diversification: ONDC’s influence is expected to extend beyond electronics and gadgets to various industries. More businesses from sectors such as fashion, groceries, and healthcare are likely to join the network.

5. Enhanced Technology: ONDC platforms, including seller apps like,eVikaas, Bitsila, Mystore, Bech, Digiit, Instastack etc  will continue to evolve with cutting-edge technology. Features like artificial intelligence, data analytics, and augmented reality could enhance the online shopping experience for both sellers and consumers.

In conclusion, ONDC represents a paradigm shift in India’s e-commerce industry, offering new opportunities for sellers and a better shopping experience for consumers. As the network matures, it has the potential to drive economic growth, foster entrepreneurship, and reshape the competitive landscape of Indian e-commerce. The journey has just begun, and the future of ONDC holds immense promise for all stakeholders in the e-commerce ecosystem.

Section 10: Conclusion

In conclusion, the electronics and gadgets retail industry in India is undergoing a profound transformation, thanks to the Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC). This revolutionary initiative is reshaping the sector by promoting fairness, inclusivity, and transparency.

ONDC eliminates the limitations of individual e-commerce platforms, creating a level playing field for all sellers, from small businesses to industry giants. The seamless interoperability it offers ensures that consumers can shop for electronics and gadgets across various platforms, enhancing their choices and shopping experience.

The eVikaas ONDC Seller App, powered by Senrysa Technologies, equips sellers with valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, enabling them to enhance their offerings and marketing strategies. Hyperlocal and last-mile delivery options cater to consumers’ demand for swift and reliable service.

Sellers gain greater control over pricing and promotions, adapting to market dynamics with agility. Portable reputations are built through customer feedback, fostering trust between sellers and buyers.

With Senrysa Technologies’ collaboration, the eVikaas ONDC Seller App provides a user-friendly gateway for sellers to join ONDC and tap into its vast potential. The future of the electronics and gadgets retail industry in India appears promising, with ONDC at the forefront of this digital commerce revolution.

As ONDC continues to gain momentum and the eVikaas ONDC Seller App becomes more widely adopted, the electronics and gadgets retail sector is poised for a brighter, more connected, and inclusive future. This transformation reflects India’s commitment to harnessing technology for the greater good of its citizens and businesses alike.

The voyage has just commenced, and the future of ONDC gleams with boundless possibilities for all stakeholders ensconced within the vibrant e-commerce ecosystem. In this transformation, India reiterates its unwavering commitment to harnessing technology for the greater welfare of its citizenry and businesses, harmonising tradition with innovation to chart an extraordinary path forward.

Ready to catapult your electronics and gadgets business to unprecedented heights? Waste no time—seize the opportunity and swiftly register on eVikaas! Your journey towards exponential growth begins now!